Kaffarah (expiation) is a penalty of atonement for breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan without a valid reason. The order of penalty according to Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy upon him) is:
- To free a slave
- To fast for sixty consecutive days
- To feed sixty poor people with two meals a day.
The first point is not applicable in our times. The second point takes precedence before the third point. However, if a person is unable to fast sixty consecutive days due to a valid reason, then he/she has the option of feeding sixty poor people with two meals.
There is also a kaffarah for breaking an oath taken in the name of Allah Almighty. The kaffarah for breaking an oath is:
- To free a slave
- To feed ten poor people with two meals
- To clothe ten poor people.
If a person is unable to do any of these then he/she must fast for three consecutive days.